
Friday, February 9, 2018

Never suffer youth to be an excuse for inadequacy, nor age and fame to be an excuse for indolence.

N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
E is for Exemplary, a class act to follow
V is for Visionary, a dreamer
E is for Endearing, so loveable
R is for Rebellious, going against the grain

S is for Serene, a calming quality
U is for Unforgettable, you leave a deep impression
F is for Fervent, strongly passionate
F is for Funny, your jokes crack us up
E is for Elegant, of refined style
R is for Rare, your friendship is gold

Y is for Yearning, a drive to succeed
O is for Original, an independent thinker
U is for Uplifting, so inspiring
T is for Tantalizing, thrilling the senses
H is for Hopeful, optimistic in the face of adversity

T is for Tasteful, odes of style
O is for Oomph, you have a magnetic draw

B is for Benevolent, showing kindness unto others
E is for Easygoing, a breeze to get along with

A is for Articulate, you say it so well
N is for Noble, an honorable heart

E is for Entertaining, a bundle of fun
X is for X-factor, you have it
C is for Compassionate, full of empathy
U is for Unforgettable, truly memorable
S is for Sharp, always observant
E is for Excellent, of the finest character

F is for Friendly, warm and approachable
O is for Outstanding, excelling beyond others
R is for Reliable, a buddy you can count on

I is for Interesting, truly fascinating
N is for Nutty, full of wackiness
A is for Approachable, people turn to you for help
D is for Dear, precious to all
E is for Effervescent, bubbling with life
Q is for Quick, a rapier wit
U is for Understanding, boundless patience
A is for Authenticity, with which you lead life
C is for Courageous, a brave heart
Y is for Youth, eternally young at heart

N is for Neat, carefully organized
O is for Original, refreshingly so
R is for Receptive, an open mind

A is for Accommodating, taking care of others' needs
G is for Golden, shining with lustre
E is for Efficient, succeeding at tasks

A is for Artistic, full of creativity
N is for Nurturing, you bring out the good in people
D is for Diehard, staying true to your beliefs

F is for Forgiving, patient with others
A is for Artistic, adding beauty to the world
M is for Mature, you always know what to do
E is for Enthusiastic, ever encouraging

T is for Thoughtful, considerate towards all
O is for Organized, you always have it together

B is for Bold, forging your own path
E is for Enigmatic, deeply fascinating

A is for Accomplished, endowed with talent
N is for Nice, a sweet soul

E is for Earnest, ever sincere
X is for Xmas, the spirit of christmas is in you
C is for Carefree, you don't let trouble wear you down
U is for Unique, you're one of a kind
S is for Skillful, ever up to the task
E is for Exuberant, a bubbly presence

F is for Fine, of excellent character
O is for Optimistic, unbeaten by adversity
R is for Reassuring, a comforting presence

I is for Indefatigable, a tireless spirit
N is for Noble, self-sacrificing
D is for Determined, able to stay the course
O is for Obliging, willing to accommodate
L is for Laidback, not sweating the small stuff
E is for Enriching, bettering others
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
C is for Cute, absolutely adorable
E is for Energetic, a buoyant personality

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